Donate by bank transfer
Thank you for donating to the St George Foundation.
We won't be able to thank you for donations by direct transfer as we don't receive your contact details, so please do get in touch if you'd like to know more about our work.
UK bank transfer
You can send us donations directly using the details below. If you are a UK taxpayer please consider sending us a gift aid form so we can do more with your donation.
Account name: St George Foundation Limited
Sort code: 20-79-25
Account number: 33979512
Barclays Bank
LE87 2BB
International bank transfer
For transfers from outside the UK, please use the following details.
Account name: St George Foundation Limited
IBAN: GB74 BARC 2079 2533 9795 12
Swift: BARCGB22
Barclays Bank
LE87 2BB